My sister, Jana.
Jana is the sister that's right above me, which means she's the third child of nine and I'm the fourth. Birth order is a big deal when you come from a family of nine.
I always looked up to Jana when we were growing up. She was definitely the "cool" older sister, especially in high school. I took my first plane ride to visit her when she lived in Texas after I graduated from high school and she took me to my first Cure concert. She was also responsible for connecting me with my nanny job back east.

Jana is the mother of three incredible boys and a second mom to all of their friends. Rarely do you go to Jana's house and not find a brood of teenage boys "hanging out". She is the person who is always there when you need her. Once I was stuck at the Denver airport because of a snowstorm. I made the airline fly me to Texas and called Jana to pick me up for an impromptu week-long visit until the airports back east reopened.
Jana is the sister who makes you feel good, no matter what. She can make you laugh when you don't feel like laughing and she is definitely the life of the party. She's the type of sister and friend that you can pick up right where you left off no matter how much time has passed. Jana is also strong- physically and emotionally. She is one of the most physically fit people I know and can keep it together regardless of what's going on around her (don't you see it in the Santa picture and on her big wheel). She rocks!
We love you, Jana. Happy, Happy Birthday!
Jana is the life of the party! Your post made me miss that awesome girl. She always makes me feel welcome, she always looks on the bright side.
Agreed! Another great post about another great sister!
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