Sunday, November 14, 2010

what thoughtful thank-you gifts did i receive for helping out at little winter?

A crosscut board from Canoe, a cool canvas pouch from Forest Bound, a tall house ornament from my house party, a darling decal from Shanna, and super chic earrings from sulu.

Thank you Abby & Shanna & Alice & Susan.
You gals rock!


  1. And one more particularly cozy gift is coming your way!
    Hope you guys had a fun weekend celebrating :)

  2. Great finds!! I especially love all types of gift :)

    personalized wallet

  3. oh lindee, i seriously could not have done little winter without you. i asked abby for your address but haven't heard back ~ would you mind emailing it to me? i have a little thank you for you too :)

    (cori.kindred (at)
