
I've always known he's been artistic. He is always drawing and reminds me of Chris when Chris was little. While we were in V-town for Thanksgiving, we visited the Heritage Complex at the Ag Center. They had a coloring station. Ryan picked up a crayon, looked at the picture of the roosters and started drawing.
Watching him draw was amazing. It was like watching a professional work. As he drew I could see each piece of the rooster emerge from his crayon the way a teacher would demonstrate the correct way to draw. I realized he's very talented.
Later that afternoon, Chris, Ali (his mom) and I were talking about Ryan. I learned he draws everything. In the summer, he goes through reams of paper. Ali said he woke up one morning talking about a dream he had and then went on to draw the dream.

Sean's picture is on the right. He's 4 and not far behind...
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