Saturday, August 15, 2009

what is my new favorite state?


During our visit to Brant Lake, Ben and I took a road trip to Vermont to visit the Simon Pierce Gallery in Quechee, Vermont.

Vermont is a beautiful state. The countryside is green and lush. Every small town we drove through was quaint and charming. Covered bridges were everywhere.

Here I am standing on the covered bridge that overlooks the Simon Pierce Gallery.

The water is used to operate the generator for the glass blowing.

Each piece of glass is hand-blown by an artist. The day we were there they were making water goblets.

The gallery is exquisite. Ben bought me a cake plate as an early birthday present.

After the gallery, we went to Sugarbush Farm where they make maple syrup and cheese.

Ben practiced his new job as calf whisperer.

We toured the farm to see how they harvest the maple from the trees...

and boil it down to make syrup. We had a great day in Vermont! I can't wait to return.

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