Sunday, August 30, 2009

what was waiting for me when i arrived home?

A candy gram from my former student, Alexander.

"TAKE 5 on your WHATCHAMACALIT, oh yeah Birthday! I know I might be a NERD for giving my teacher a birthday card, but it's my b-day too! And before you left, me, you and Darius were the 3 MUSKETEERS. But then you were handed a RING and POP you were married and moved away. Miss you! Happy Birthday! P. S. Here's some EXTRA fruit gum for Mr. Lewit!
From, Alexander & KIT KAT (Argentina)"

Thank you Alexander!


  1. How sweet! (literally) What a thoughtful thing!

  2. Lindee,
    Alexander is delighted you enjoyed the candygram and was ASTONISHED to see it on the web -- you are the best. Loved your photos from Cannon Beach and can't wait to see you!

  3. That is the best card I've seen. I wish I could get something like that. :)
